Argo Microsoft Research Redmond Turi/GraphLab, now Apple ML Clarifai
Argo AI Microsoft Research Redmond Turi/GraphLab, now Apple ML Clarifai
Perception Scientist Deep Learning Research Scientist Intern Deep Learning Research Engineer Intern Deep Learning Research Scientist Intern
Sep 2017 ~ Now May 2016 ~ Aug 2016 Feb 2016 ~ May 2016 Aug 2015 ~ Jan 2016

Program Committee and Reivew Services

  NIPS,   SIGKDD,   CVPR,   AAAI,   ICDM,   IEEE TNNLS,   Pattern Recognition

Selected Honors and Awards

Dissertation Fellowship, 2017, Univ. of Texas at Arlington
Top10 students, 2012, Huazhong Agricultural University
First Class Excellent Thesis, 2012, Huazhong Agricultural University
Second Prize of GMCM (National Graduate Mathematic Contest in Modeling), 2010
First Prize of CUMCM (Chinese Undergraduate Mathematic Contest in Modeling) in Hubei Province, 2010
National Scholarship, 2009, Education Ministry of P.R.C.

Hobbies and Activities

Basketball, HongKong Movies